Seaflower - 23

 The escort arrived shortly after they pulled in, three men and two women in black cloaks with a silver leave clasp. As they walked up , their hood had been up, but when they got to the end of the pier they lowered their hoods. They were all beautiful, early twenties, none of them were smiling.

“Who do we address as the leader?” The male in the center front of the formation asked.

“Tye of the SeaFlower, and Barbwire of the world’s Navy.”

“We’ve been expecting you Tyde.”

Spoon leanded over and whipered into Nobs ear, “Why does everybody say his name wrong?  And why doesn’t he ever correct them?’  Nobs shushed him.

“Come this way.”  The man who spoke up earlier said.  His group turned to leave, Tye looked at his goddess wanting to pray.  Sheglared at him and made a gesture to follow the group.

Farren touched the goddess arm softly.  “By your leave, my goddess?”

“Farren, if you leave us, how will we get to your house?” She smiled, “Besides, I think your presense is needed.”

“By your light.”  He said falling behind Spoons and Nobs.


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