Seaflower - 24

Walking through the cave Tye looked around. it was brighter than he thought it would be.  There was pillars of somethig, well two things, that seemed to be producing the light.  The roof was covered in roots knotted together, some of them dangled down.  Tye noticeda hole in what was prob a tree trunk should be every now and then.  The buildings were made of carved wood.  The road they walked down was dirt smoothed flat over time from being walked on.  There was some sort of plant that grew infront of the buildings.  Tye noticed somebody watering theirs. 
Tye was surprised that thier group was all but ignored.  People would look at them, smile, maybe way, but then they went back to what they were doing like nothing special was going on.
They walked for about 10 minues when they came to 9 stone pillars very plaely cut. Nothing seemed special about them except for the fact that they were spaced in such a big circle that nearly a thousand people could fit in the center with plenty of room.
In the center a small child was sitting.  It was a boy with marking on his face wearing a simple glack tunic. He stood up with a smile on his face and walked very calmly to Tye.  Tye stopped and watched the boy noticing the light blue clouded eyes.  The child was blind.  The child took Tye's hands and touched his forehead to the backs.
"Tyde, i knew you would come, i am very happy that i am the map you need to bring our people back.  Almost everybody on this island is a leat half.  My mother, had been the most pure, as was her mother, my great grandfather and so on, mixing with halfshasn't ruined the map's power's as we are ment to keep the line going as soon as we are born."  He smiled up at Tye.
He sidestepped to the goddess.  "Mother of us all."  He touched his head to the back of her hands.  "i am pleased that you have found your way back to our island.  I am a tiny bit sad that you doubted that i or anyone of my line would be any less than estaic to help you.  i understand though, afterall, if one can betray than maybe one ill not help."  The child smiled at her and then took a few steps back.  He bowed, "Even though i am already packed and ready to leave, I ask that you please stay until tomorrow.  We havea  grandfeast planned for you and other things as well."   The child bowed and then pointed to the bleachers behind them.
As if the child's bow was a cue it became pitch black and then flashed like lighting.  Tye noticed that the boy was in the center of the pilliars when it became dim enough for him to see. Many people seemed to be gliding into the area.  Tye tried to watch all of it at once.  there was people climbing up the pilliars.  He didn't bother couting how many people was moving into the area, it seemed like 30 maybe 50 people.  About 10 seconds later it became a bit easier to see.
The ground had lowered a bit and you could see that the people in the center formed a seaflower.  Tye looked to the top of the pillars, he could see at least two peope squating on them.  Around the pilliars froming a simi circle was a band space odly apart and in a seeming random order.
One of the winds off to the side started playing without any warning.  A few seconds later a string on the otherside  joined.  Someone in the middle started to move.  A second wind started to play from the enter and the first wind stopped.  One of the percussions started as two more instraments started bt the second wind stopped.   also a person was moving, but the first one had stopped.
The music and movement of the people grew complicated and hard to keep up wth.  It reminded Tye of harsh storms on the sea that like to come at you from everywhere. 
Those on the pilliars jumped off in a pattern that Tye couldn't figure out. When a chime sound happened  there was a guarneed jumpper who had light reflecting ribbon that resembled lighting. At one point of the song two chimes happened at once and two people from the two closest pilliars dove towards the group landing on their hands.  hey did a flip backwards, kicking thier feet so the ribbons came very close to Tye and Spoon's faces with more chimes at the snap they flipped thier way back to the dance.
Tye stopped trying to watch them indivudally.  As he watched he realized that they looked like a hurricane off in the distance.
An hour later the whole band ad been playing, everybody moving.  Then one by one the musice died off.  The people stopped in poses.  One last chime, one lst person jumpped from a pilliar but she didn't stop moving until it was just the first wind and one dance and they slowly ended.
Tye and Nobbs were both in awe and didn't move until they realized that the rest of the group was clapping.  They joined in.


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