Seaflower - 25


Farren had put the orcal child on his shoulders after it ws all said and done.  He led the group down a stone path holding the hands of the little boy and quickly spinning around or acting like he was going ot fall making the child laugh.

They approched a huge stone house that a few people tending the yard.  Farren set the orcal down next to him and smiled.  One of the workers was a girl his age.  She dropped whatever she was holding and tackled Farren.  "your mother wouldn't say why i shouldn't go up today!"  She kissed him and he held her close.

Farren let go when Spoons Coughed.  "I'm sorry, this is Mika, my love, I haven't seen her since i left 2 years ago.  People from here dont typically come back until they reitre. All we can do is write to each other."

Spoons smiled, "For an arranged mariage you two really love each other."

Tye looked at Spoons, "Arranged?"

"yes sir, since i am fourtunate enough to be born into the orcals line, i have the purest blood.  I just was not born with the gift.  Because my blood is very pure i am matched with the one with the weakest blood line.  it is better for our village and my line.  When this village was founded one of the people who were from the goddess orginal family stayed, and then became mortal."

"Farren, your name sake."  The goddess said leaning into Tye.

"Every now and then one of the gifted would take on a child of the god as a lover.  It took a while before the couples became blessed with children.  The god did not bless his children with magic, However when coupled with a gifted the halfbloods are gifted as well.  However less pure means less magic.  Halfbloods, and even thoughs with quaterblood seem to have full use of magic.  though someone who is very disantly related might only beable to do one thing."  Farren smiled at the goddes, she nodded for him to go on.

Farren had a vision of what was going to happen so he started making plans.  The rest of the gifted didn't want to believe him until the goddess came one day and said it wad happened. He asked for the goddess to bless the youngest of each generation of his line and he would keep his line he purest.  She granted it of course.  He had already been sending his youngest daughter over to a nother gifted's house as often as he could find a reason.  Dressing her in outfits that he hoped the gifted would find pleasing.  His daugheter, Kareth, was very smart, sweet and had fallen for the man at a very young age.  She found reason of her own to go there. 

When the man's wife died of child bearing she moved in and helped raised his children.  She was only 15 at the time  one night after she became of age and had sung the youngest to sleep she went to her room.  She was singing slftly to herself as she was getting herself ready for bed when she heard "Have i ever told you how eautiful your voice is?"  Blushing she reached for her cloak but he was holding it. "it is only matched by your beauty." He helped her put her cloak on, then kissed her.  It was another year before she was with child.  They had many sons and then a daughter with clouded eyes, Iako. 

Farren's wife had died by this point and he fell in love with the hild.  He was still imortal and could control his age.  So he changed his age to two years old and aged with her.  She was everything him and he was everything to her. When shebecame of age he married her.  They had many children, the youngest being a little girl with clouded eyes, Meri.

Iako's youngest brother fell in love with the little girl.  They had three daughters, the youngest again a girl with clouded eyes, Crystal.  Farren wanted to make sure e blood line was very pure and secure.  On the night that Crystal became of age Farren made sure she concieved and the next day died.

It was twins, a girl and the boy had clouded eyes. Farren had asked Iako to make sure that it was a tradition that the youngest is matched with the purest blood while any siblings be matched with the weakest.  It kept the youngest pure and stregthened the village.  He also asked that Chrstal be married to one of the weaker bloodilnes from the village.  He didn't have the heart to stay any longer.

"Inset is wrong, but had he not done what he did our line would not have ben able to stay so pure."  A women with clouded eyes stood at the door lightly dress.  "Kandice, if you would please ring the bell, the feast is ready."


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