The diary of the half orc part two

Uove RelmCayden

Okay, after talking with the shrine, decide that the children are safe and they will find good places for them. but I think I will follow up with this later.

While the group is playing with jewels and talking about important people I go to talk to the children and try to cheer them up

While we walk to the palace Kres talks smack and stirs up trouble and our paladin smites whoever who reacts

I hand over three daggers, two crossbows, and the shuriken when we get to the palace door a quietly follow them to wherever letting others talk while we are led to a lady in full plate who is the queens hand maiden who ask if we really do have the items and Kres shows them which makes her smile and ask how we would like to be introduced without guards and introduces, I have to cough so she will separately name Cayden as a god.

The queen says "This brooch was stolen from me some time ago—I had not expected to see it again, truth be told. And yet, here on my darkest day, you come before me with kindness. The return of this brooch is much more than an honorable deed. It is inspiration. It is hope. I love Korvosa, as my husband did before me. His death has shocked the city as it has me, but I will not see his legacy destroyed in death, and I shall not see my city torn apart. All Korvosa stands at the precipice of a disaster wrought by her citizens—these riots cannot continue. You have already done my heart a great service in returning this precious heirloom to me on this dark day, and you shall be rewarded. Yet perhaps you can serve your city more. The Korvosan Guard is stretched thin, and it could certainly use the aid of heroes such as you. If you so choose, I shall have Sabina see to it that you have an escort of guards when you leave here—they can see to your safe journey to Citadel Volshyenek. I shall send word ahead of you to Field Marshal Cressida Kroft to let her know you are on the way. Now, I need to retire to my chambers—my grief has drained me. Again, I thank you for the kindness you have shown me, and I hope your days of serving the crown are only just beginning." and then leaves.

The hand maiden walks us back to our equipment and Kres ask if she knows anybody who wants a hand crossbow. I glare at her, and then hand over the crossbow and say "fine, get rid of it"

We are led to a haggard woman and introduce ourselves

The haggard woman says: Ah, yes—you are the ones sent by Queen Ileosa. Greetings! Heroes of your caliber are exactly what Korvosa needs now. You’ve been on the streets. You know better than me how bad things are out there. It’s breaking my heart to see Korvosa tear itself apart like this. Every little bit of aid we can get from upstanding citizens like you help. If you’re willing, I’d very much like to retain your services as agents of the Guard. You will, of course, be well compensated for these services.

I look around and snort.  

She ignores me and continues to talk "Korvosa’s got enough troubles as it is without my own guards losing their way. Many have deserted their posts, more concerned about friends and family than the city. I can understand this, yet not all of the deserters have family—some of them are simply using the riots as an excuse for personal gain. One such man is Verik Vancaskerkin. Worse than a lone deserter, he’s convinced a small group of fellow guards that Queen Ileosa is going to ruin the city. Whether she does or doesn’t isn’t the point—right now, we’ve got a city-wide crisis on our hands, and I need all of my guards working with me to see us through. A deserter is worse than a lost resource—it’s an infection. I can’t afford to pull any of my other patrols off duty to deal with Vancaskerkin, and I’d rather not expose any of them to him anyway, since I don’t want Vancaskerkin to infect more guards with his talk of secession, nor do I want some overly patriotic guard killing Vancaskerkin outright. I need impartial, skilled talent. Talent like you. Vancaskerkin and his followers have holed up in an abandoned butcher’s shop up in Northgate—a place once called ‘All the World’s Meat.’ I need you there. Try to avoid killing any of the deserters if you can, but if you must, they brought it upon themselves when they threw in their lot with Vancaskerkin. I’d really prefer it if you could capture Vancaskerkin alive and return him to me for interrogation, but if he makes that impossible, I’ll accept his body as well. Finally, see if you can find out why Verik deserted—if there’s more to it than simple personal politics, I need to know immediately. Bring me Verik alive, and there’s a five hundred gold in it for you. Dead, he’s worth only half that."

As a group we go get all of Kiyo's stuff and I just follow the group.  

We come upon a group picking on some guy, calling him a queen’s man. Kres ties to intimated the group, they aren't buying it.  Cayden tries to get them to a nearby tavern and have a sing along, but is also ignored. 

Sutora attacks, I pull out my crossbow and Cayden shake his hands and runs to one of the rioters and claws him, knocking him unconscious.  A little old lady tries to hurt Cayden and even though she missed I try, and fail to hit her. Jofred tells them to stop or he’s going to call the guards after he hits somebody.  Confused I call out "Aren't we guards now?" the little old lady took a step back.  Cayden tells them to go get a beer and holds up his hands ready to spring at the first sign of aggression.  The rioters take a step back.  I stop the one guys bleeding, and someone else tells the group to take the guy away to get him properly healed.

The guy we helped end up being a noble and offers us a ring as a token of thanks for payment, and then he goes home, rejecting the offer of an escort.

We get to the store and there is a moo cow! I go stand at the fence for a bit and moo at the cow and then I go into the store. Joefred has a problem with them, they say they are just giving out food to the poor but I’m not buying it, there is something else going on.  We try to push the issue and one of the guys pulls out a long bow. 

I guess it’s a fight as Sutora does her color spray and Kiyo starts dancing. Cayden tries to cast his ray of frost and misses completely. One of the bad guys opens the door between them and calls for help. I cast web right behind that door and take a step back. Cayden jumps on the counter and swipes at one of the bad guys.   Kres says "I'm going to turn your nut sack into a coin purse!" and that bad guy responds with "I'm going to beat you with them first!" Cayden responded to that by attacking him in the face, killing him. "now teabag her asshole." once the other bad guy falls unconscious Kres tries to charge through the open door and get stuck in my web, which I dismiss.  That is proving to be a pointless spell. Kres suddenly falls down and Cayden runs to attack whoever is in front and misses. I shot the guy in front with my crossbow and miss. Cayden attacks someone twice.  Joefred ask us not to kill somebody, so I ask if everybody else is fair game. Then I warn the bad guys to give up or they are going to die.  Oh look, I hit my target, SCORE. Cayden steps out of my sight attacks the guy I just hit, knocking him down. I jump over the counter and past the door and notice there’s another bad guy.  I threaten him and shoot, and miss. I really need to practice more.? Cayden. What are you doing? Did you just take a bite of the guy you killed? I move next to Cayden and ask if that is the guy we are trying not to kill.  I'm told we weren’t supposed to kill anybody... I look around "oops" and aim my crossbow at the guy we aren't supposed to kill. "here’s to not killing you." I shoot my crossbow at him and he falls. Is he bleeding? since when do people bleed when I shoot them? Cayden runs upstairs.  But nobody else is around.  I go moo at the cows some more while the party does stuff.

THE PIG MOO-ED AT ME!!! PIGS CAN MOO??? OOOOOOO. I cast light on the troth to make sure I can see the animals. Cayden tells me to go join the group. Oh, there was a fight. 

The want to leave, but I want to keep the animals.  At least the pig, the pig can moo, come on guy please. :D Pig goes moooooo. We lash the bad guys to the cows and lead the animals back to turn the bad guys in. When we get back to the city, we are thanked for bringing back everybody alive and no, none of the fancy stuff we found belongs to anybody she knows, consider it spoils.

I finally notice the new arrows that was picked up. "Hey, those arrows, they do extra magic damage." and the dagger catches my eye, but it is beyond my compression, the paladin realizes it is evil and try as Kres might, she cant figure it out.  We pass it over to the castle.

We have some down time so I take Cayden and the pig to go check up on the kids and make sure they are doing okay. 

I did a tarot reading.


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