One Shot - discord

While I won't be drinking, stopping to say hello and possibly get information from him might be worth while Brewski

I realize this will break your cards a bit but I ask if they have tea or milk. Also, I'm going to answer how I would react in character, but accept that cards are pre gened.
If I honestly have a problem with how my char responded on the card I'll say something
While I don't mention who the boys parents are, or that there is even an awards(because I dont care about it) I stress a kid has been taken away from his parents against his will.
And I ask for any information about the knight and the woods he haunts. Also, how often does he take squires and what happens to them.. Never pressing but rather encourage the old man to listen to his own voice.
Being as there is no ransom and rumor says he was acquired to be a squire, unless he killed the boy right off, me taking my time to gather all knowledge I can from all sources I can (I totally took the thing that let's me talk to animals at will fyi) feels like the smart thing to do.

1st-level conjuration. (Druid)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet (20 ft. square)
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Grasping weeds and vines sprout from the ground in a 20-foot square starting from a point within range. For the duration, these plants turn the ground in the area into difficult terrain.
A creature in the area when you cast the spell must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained by the entangling plants until the spell ends. A creature restrained by the plants can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. On a success, it frees itself.
When the spell ends, the conjured plants wilt away.
Spell | BR 238
wisdom (edward) — 03/25/2021
You hear an angry growl from the darkness where the entangle spell landed.
What do you do?
arieth — 03/25/2021
I sneak up to the creature, double moving but stay out of the entagled zone to get a good idea of what it is
wisdom (edward) — 03/26/2021
You see a tiger of sorts stuck in the entanglement of the bramble... It is struggling to escape.
Speak with Animals
1st-level divination. (Bard, Druid, Ranger, Nature Domain, Oath of the Ancients)
Casting Time: 1 action (ritual)
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: 10 minutes
You gain the ability to comprehend and verbally communicate with beasts for the duration. The knowledge and awareness of many beasts is limited by their intelligence, but at minimum, beasts can give you information about nearby locations and monsters, including whatever they can perceive or have perceived within the past day. You might be able to persuade a beast to perform a small favor for you, at the GM's discretion.
Spell | BR 277
Hiding behind the nearest tree (the 21 is my stealth roll)
I will ask two things, 1. "What might I call one as majestic as yourself?" And I will give my name to be proper. 2. "Why have you woken me?"
wisdom (edward) — 03/26/2021
You hear a growl of anger as an answer. The tiger is in no mood to talk casually. The tiger is struggling to get free and hurting itself in the spines of the entanglement. The only words you can make out are... "If you come any closer I will attack you."... "Why have I woken you?" The tiger thinks that it did not want to wake you. It wanted to kill the horse for food.
One more try to talk with the tiger, and the tiger gets another strength saving throw to escape...
arieth — 03/26/2021
"If you promise to leave me and mine alone, I'll let you go. Otherwise which do you prefer, lightning or force?" I say stepping away from the tree where the tiger can see me.
wisdom (edward) — 03/27/2021
The tiger lowers its head, peering at you entangled in the overgrowth... panting... then you hear in your mind... "I will let you go"
arieth — 03/27/2021
dismisses the entagle
"Have a nice day"
I go back over to my camp.
So my option is DEADNELLY
though my horse shouldn't get killed
... though to stay with your stuff, I forget to hobble it so there is a chance that it wanders off if you want.
Okay so after that we go to titlepage 1 and I need to read that
I roll stealth!
— 03/27/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (9) + 1
Total: 10
arieth — 03/27/2021
Totally think I did good.
Let's roll for traps!
— 03/27/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (2) + 1
Total: 3
arieth — 03/27/2021
Another AWESOME roll
I'm to busy thinking about the tiger!

"I choose right because it's the right way to go!"

arieth — 03/27/2021
Still trying to be sneaky!
— 03/27/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (3) + 1
Total: 4
arieth — 03/27/2021
I'm not very trusting of the cobwebs... could it have a trap?
— 03/27/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (6) + 1
Total: 7
arieth — 03/27/2021
Or.. umm
I think I'm supposed. To COBEEBS next
... really phone

arieth — 03/27/2021
I want to move forward, but webs tend to be homes.
How about I find out if they are aggressive?
Speak with Animals
1st-level divination. (Bard, Druid, Ranger, Nature Domain, Oath of the Ancients)
Casting Time: 1 action (ritual)
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: 10 minutes
You gain the ability to comprehend and verbally communicate with beasts for the duration. The knowledge and awareness of many beasts is limited by their intelligence, but at minimum, beasts can give you information about nearby locations and monsters, including whatever they can perceive or have perceived within the past day. You might be able to persuade a beast to perform a small favor for you, at the GM's discretion.
Spell | BR 277
"Hello? Is anybody home?"
While waiting for an answer I cast
transmutation cantrip. (Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 hour
This spell is a minor magical trick that novice spellcasters use for practice. You create one of the following magical effects within range:
- You create an instantaneous, harmless sensory effect, such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind, faint musical notes, or an odd odor.
- You instantaneously light or snuff out a candle, a torch, or a small campfire.
- You instantaneously clean or soil an object no larger than 1 cubic foot.
- You chill, warm, or flavor up to 1 cubic foot of nonliving material for 1 hour.
- You make a color, a small mark, or a symbol appear on an object or a surface for 1 hour.
- You create a nonmagical trinket or an illusory image that can fit in your hand and that lasts until the end of your next turn.
If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have up to three of its non-instantaneous effects active at a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action.
Spell | BR 267
Harmlessly warming and chilling the web

— 03/27/2021
@wisdom (edward) :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (9) + 3
Total: 12
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (11) + 1
Total: 12
arieth — 03/27/2021
I take a step back "I'm sorry!"
wisdom (edward) — 03/27/2021
You go first because you rolled higher.
Do you leave? Do you stay?
arieth — 03/27/2021
Stay. I just took a five foot step back :)
Give me a second.
"Back off!" I try to intimate as I randomly cast
Eldritch Blast
evocation cantrip. (Warlock)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
A beam of crackling energy streaks toward a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage.
The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam.
Spell | BR 237
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (16) + 1 + 3
Total: 20
wisdom (edward) — 03/27/2021
AC13... it is a hit... roll damage...
— 03/27/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d10 (6) + 3
Total: 9
One of them now has 2 HPs.
Do you have any other actions?
arieth — 03/27/2021
If they talk I can understand them right now
I wanted to try to intimidate
wisdom (edward) — 03/27/2021
They are attacking by habit to eat and protect.
Do you want to roll Intimidation?
arieth — 03/27/2021
Let me go check my thing
Beat DC11.
For one, and DC 14 for the other.
— 03/27/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (4) + 3
Total: 7
arieth — 03/27/2021
I am just to cute to be scary
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (14) + 3
Total: 17
wisdom (edward) — 03/27/2021
The Spider with 11 HPs is intimidated.
It attacks at disadvantage.
First one with 2 HPS...
— 03/27/2021
@wisdom (edward) :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (4) + 3
Total: 7
wisdom (edward) — 03/27/2021
Next one at Disadvantage...
— 03/27/2021
@wisdom (edward) :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (3) + 3
Total: 6
@wisdom (edward) :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (20) + 3
Total: 23
wisdom (edward) — 03/27/2021
Your go...
You hear in your mind the calculations of their thoughts to attack.
— 03/27/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (17) + 1 + 3
Total: 21
wisdom (edward) — 03/27/2021
Which one do you attack? 2 HPs? or the one with 11 HPs?
— 03/27/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d10 (7) + 3
Total: 10
arieth — 03/27/2021
I like finishing something off
wisdom (edward) — 03/27/2021
Describe the attack...
arieth — 03/27/2021
sighs as a blast of force comes from her pointing finger. Not the biggest fan of killing things, but if something won't talk to and is aggressive then she'll kill them
(Still in a language it understands) "wake from the dream spider, may you find peace in the mother's embrace"
wisdom (edward) — 03/27/2021
THe surviving Spider makes a roll to overcome the Intimidation of DC12.
— 03/27/2021
@wisdom (edward) :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (4) + 1
Total: 5
wisdom (edward) — 03/27/2021
It is still intimidates.
arieth — 03/27/2021
"Your turn" I point to it
wisdom (edward) — 03/27/2021
It disengages and runs off into the trees...
Do you take an attack of opportunity?
arieth — 03/27/2021
uses a stick and clears the web

arieth — 03/27/2021
I search around for traps of where the cobwebs use to be.
— 03/27/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (4) + 1
Total: 5
arieth — 03/27/2021
Confident there is no traps I move forward folling the path

arieth — 03/27/2021
Stealth! Definitely failing the stealth
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (2) + 1
Total: 3
Totally fail to find more traps... SOmthing is wrong with my thing
transmutation cantrip. (Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 hour
This spell is a minor magical trick that novice spellcasters use for practice. You create one of the following magical effects within range:
- You create an instantaneous, harmless sensory effect, such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind, faint musical notes, or an odd odor.
- You instantaneously light or snuff out a candle, a torch, or a small campfire.
- You instantaneously clean or soil an object no larger than 1 cubic foot.
- You chill, warm, or flavor up to 1 cubic foot of nonliving material for 1 hour.
- You make a color, a small mark, or a symbol appear on an object or a surface for 1 hour.
- You create a nonmagical trinket or an illusory image that can fit in your hand and that lasts until the end of your next turn.
If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have up to three of its non-instantaneous effects active at a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action.
Spell | BR 267
I make shower of blood red sparks apear around me as i hold the sword up.
"But um" I chuckle softly "got anything in my size"
i panic as I realize I am frozen, paralyzed, why? what? I remind myself to breath deeply and will myself to be calm, I force myself to push through it and my foot lands on the ground. I look around trying to figure out what possibly could have done it. Did i miss a trap?
I think about about that again. My pack did make fun of me for not being able to see what is right in front of my face, so even though I looked, I prob missed it.
I look around again, trying to see if i notice the trigger
oh.. fuck. WISDOM... i gotta go grab my stats
— 04/03/2021
@wisdom (edward) :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (9) + 1
Total: 10
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (11) + 1
Total: 12
arieth — 04/03/2021
I look at the little hut confused, I had just looked in there, it was empty. Where did they come from I unsheath the Goddess sword and hold it infront of me while holding other hand out in front of me not sure which I want to do, attack with the sword, or do I attack with my magic
"What? Who are you? What do you want, leave me alone"
As soon as one of them gets within striking distance I swing the sword squeezing my eyes tight.
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (7) + 2
Total: 9
arieth — 04/03/2021
the sword slams into the ground. Why did I think using a weapon would be a good idea?
You are grappled unless you roll a nat 20.
The other with eyes bulging in fanaticism yells at you with spit coming out of the mouth. "You are a sinner. You must be sacrificed!" And puts the scimitar to your back and starts marching you toward the hut.... It would take them 3 turns to march you to the hut if you do not break the grapple. You can attack still while grappled with -2 to your attack rolls.... I have a homebrew for you. At level 2, you can roll a d12 vs DC10 to get an extra attack. (25% chance of an extra attack, but you can only do one spell attack per round.)
wisdom (edward) — 04/04/2021
So you could try an extra attack before they try to grapple you. If you don't succeed, one grapples you, the other puts the scimitar to your back. If you succeed on an extra attack roll, well, let's see what you would do........
— 04/04/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (18)
Total: 18
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d12 (8)
Total: 8
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (8)
Total: 8
arieth — 04/04/2021
... wait, second attack... blast...
— 04/04/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (8) + 3 + 2
Total: 13
arieth — 04/04/2021
i'm not sure if that hits
wisdom (edward) — 04/04/2021
You actually did not get the second attack for your first turn rolling an 8. That is less than 10. .... You did not break the grapple on your second turn, rolling an 18... but now roll a d12 again to see if you get an extra attack... DC10.
— 04/05/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d12 (5)
Total: 5
wisdom (edward) — 04/05/2021
They start marching you toward the hut. They need 3 rounds to get you into the hut. This is the first round... Now you try to free yourself from the grapple. You must beat...
— 04/05/2021
@wisdom (edward) :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (19)
Total: 19
wisdom (edward) — 04/05/2021
You can attack and try to escape on your turn. You have 3 rolls to do .... 1. to beat DC19 and break free of the grapple this round with Athletics or Acrobatics...... 2. Weapon or spell attack with -2 to the attack roll due to being grappled..... 3. a d12 to try to beat DC10 and get an extra attack.
These are your rolls for 3 rounds to try and break free of the grapple and attack without -2 to your attack rolls.
arieth — 04/05/2021
Using athletics to break out
— 04/05/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (3) + 1
Total: 4
arieth — 04/05/2021
Another epic roll!
I'm doing AWESOME
Witch Bolt
1st-level evocation. (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a twig from a tree that has been struck by lightning)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
A beam of crackling, blue energy lances out toward a creature within range, forming a sustained arc of lightning between you and the target. Make a ranged spell attack against that creature. On a hit, the target takes 1d12 lightning damage, and on each of your turns for the duration, you can use your action to deal 1d12 lightning damage to the target automatically. The spell ends if you use your action to do anything else. The spell also ends if the target is ever outside the spell's range or if it has total cover from you.
At Higher Levels
When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the initial damage increases by 1d12 for each slot level above 1st.
Spell | PHB 289
— 04/05/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (10) + 3
Total: 13
arieth — 04/05/2021
Yeah, that hit!
I twist and squirm but cannot break out of thier grasp. I realize however one of them is holding my wrist in such a way that my hand is pointed at thier body.
"Eat lightning asshole" I say casting witch bolt at them, and don't bother stopping the smirk as I watch it hit.
— 04/05/2021
@arieth :game_die:
lightning: 1d12 (8)
Total: 8
@arieth :game_die:
again?: 1d12 (6)
Total: 6
@arieth :game_die:
break free: 1d20 (14) + 1
Total: 15
arieth — 04/06/2021
okay okay. I get 9 more attempts with my witch bolt... so
— 04/06/2021
@arieth :game_die:
witch bolt: 1d20 (20) + 2 + 3
Total: 25
arieth — 04/06/2021
SCORE... Um. I dont knwo how crits work, but i was attacking the one who was holding me, so i'm going to roll damage, but with one hit point, its just rubbing it in
— 04/06/2021
@arieth :game_die:
lightning: 1d12 (3)
Total: 3
@arieth :game_die:
can i please attack again?: 1d12 (7)
Total: 7
arieth — 04/06/2021
That would be a no.
time for my rollplaying
Zapping the one holding me really must of hurt him because with just a little more squirming he dropped me. I zapped him again aiming for a very sensitive area. Man watching him crumple to the ground was prob more satifying than it should have been, but the jerk grabbed me. I aim my hand at the other one
"So, how do you feel about lightning? I've got some I can share with you" I smirk cockily at them. "Or, you could, you know, politely tell me whats going on and maybe I'll follow you into the empty hut I just left"
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
The one grappling you falls limp after suffering the shock of electricity blazing through the body. You are free from the grapple. The one left standing looks at the other crazy wide-eyed. Then looks up at you with a wild anger blazing in the eyes.... And steps in to attack you with the scimitar.
— 04/06/2021
@wisdom (edward) :game_die:
Scimitar: 1d20 (8) + 2
Total: 10
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
Does that beat your AC? I cannot find what your AC is... If the strike misses, it is your go... The crazy still standing has 9 HPs.
arieth — 04/06/2021
Nope, my AC is 12
Okay, my turn.
— 04/06/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Witch bolt: 1d20 (3) + 2 + 3
Total: 8
HA okay
— 04/06/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Again?: 1d12 (8)
Total: 8
arieth — 04/06/2021
Disoriented I attempted to aim my third shot at the other crazy person before scrambling up into a standing position and watch it miss by a mile
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
You can do another action that is not an attack... You could do a skill check.
arieth — 04/06/2021
Okay... let me just look at my skills and think of what my toon would do.
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
The crazy prepares another scimitar attack.... having just taken harsh damage... angered
1 HP left.
arieth — 04/06/2021
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
You can try something like Intimidation, deception, etc
arieth — 04/06/2021
I look down at the body for a brief moment smiling and then back up to the still surviving cultist. "Do you want to play with lightning too? That last shot was just a warning"
— 04/06/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Intimidation: 1d20 (3) + 3
Total: 6
arieth — 04/06/2021
you'd think i'd learn
Crazy first tries to shove you prone...
— 04/06/2021
@wisdom (edward) :game_die:
shove: 1d20 (3)
Total: 3
— 04/06/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (1) + 1
Total: 2
arieth — 04/06/2021
one momen
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
Whoa!... Shove succeeds... You go prone.... The crazy spins and swipes down with the scimitar...
with advantage +2 to the attack
— 04/06/2021
@wisdom (edward) :game_die:
scimitar: 1d20 (1) + 2 + 2
Total: 5
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
arieth — 04/06/2021
rolls out of the way
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
The crazy lets out a yell of frustration...
Your go...
— 04/06/2021
@arieth :game_die:
LIGHTNING TO THE FACE B*: 1d20 (11) + 2 + 3
Total: 16
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
HIts... how much damage?
— 04/06/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Lightning: 1d12 (4)
Total: 4
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
Describe the hit...
5 HPs left...
arieth — 04/06/2021
frustrated I point my hand at my attackers face and focus, giving up how hard its going to hit for making sure it actually freaking hits
— 04/06/2021
@arieth :game_die:
can i hit him again?: 1d12 (11)
Total: 11
arieth — 04/06/2021
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
— 04/06/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (5) + 2 + 3
Total: 10
arieth — 04/06/2021
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
arieth — 04/06/2021
I line up my fifth shot a little to cockily and watch him duck under it
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
Are you still prone?
arieth — 04/06/2021
I'll use my move action to climb back to my feet
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
I think you used all of your actions.
arieth — 04/06/2021
okay.. I can still be prone
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
Actually, you have a move action available.
arieth — 04/06/2021
Then yeah, I'll stand up and brush myself off
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
The crazy charges in and tries to knock you prone as you are getting to your feet...
— 04/06/2021
@wisdom (edward) :game_die:
trip attack: 1d20 (7)
Total: 7
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
You can roll dex or strength save.
— 04/06/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Dex save: 1d20 (18) + 1
Total: 19
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
arieth — 04/06/2021
"Yes yes, trip me once, shame on you, trip me twice, shame on me"
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
Then missing the trip the crazy spins around swinging the scimitar with speed...
— 04/06/2021
@wisdom (edward) :game_die:
swinging scimitar: 1d20 (8) + 2
Total: 10
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
Misses.... how did you avoid that?
arieth — 04/06/2021
i do that cartoony thing where I bend backwards and suck my tummy in "Ooo, you were soo close there" I smirk at him. Maybe I shouldn't be taunting the guy... but, a good fight is always fun
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
Your go...
5 HPs left... for the crazy.
— 04/06/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Witch Bolt #6: 1d20 (12) + 2 + 3
Total: 17
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
Ohhhhh..... this might do it...
— 04/06/2021
@arieth :game_die:
eat lightning jerk face: 1d12 (11)
Total: 11
arieth — 04/06/2021
wisdom (edward) — 04/06/2021
Down to the ground with smoke wafting off of the face... the crazy's hair is standing on end.... eyelashes burned off...
frozen face of frenzy...
Describe what you did....
arieth — 04/06/2021
One moment
wisdom (edward) — 04/07/2021
I am heading off to sleep...
arieth — 04/08/2021
I take a breath and aim, yet again, for the face Eat lightning! It feels so good watching him fry and then crumple I look around and make sure there is nobody else around before going to the bodies to see if they have anything interesting. Hmm. What is this little disk on the iron chain. Embossed steel disc with a red gauntlet? I take a second to try to figure out what it could mean before shoving it into my pocket.
I look at the hut just a few feet and way and tilt my head...
OOC, is the cult hut different than the one that had the ghost? cause my flavor text will depend on your answer.
But yes, I'm going over to it
wisdom (edward) — 04/08/2021
It is the same hut that you entered before.... if you go back into the hut, you will read the same text that you read before from INDUCTED. You have already completed that text. You already received the Sword of the Goddess's Wrath from the Blood Knight. A long sword glowing with the red light of embers inside it. You will not have any more trouble from the followers of the Blood Knight. You have proven yourself capable and better than they.
arieth — 04/08/2021
seeing the man I freeze, blinking. I take a deep breath and force a smile on my face. I walk up to and kneel next to the stream, cupping my hands and drink some fresh water
Good day kind sir!
arieth — 04/08/2021
... okay, no, a statue in the middle of the forest is not that weird...
This is where in all the games that I have played I'd be told to roll history/nature/aracana checks to see if i know any of this information.
Also, that is a great freaking picture...
so lets see, out of my choices... Lets ask about the Fairy first
arieth — 04/08/2021
okay... kind of disagreeing with the cards, but meh...
I would have sense motive on the fairy ...
... I guess i'll try sneaking
— 04/08/2021
@arieth :game_die:
sneak: 1d20 (7) + 1
Total: 8
— 04/09/2021
@arieth :game_die:
perception: 1d20 (2)
Total: 2
arieth — 04/09/2021
That's actually a 3, forgot my +1
Dont have tools, nm
Eeny meanie minie YOU
— 04/09/2021
@arieth :game_die:
sneaky sneakierten: 1d20 (7) + 1
Total: 8
arieth — 04/09/2021
is there traps?
— 04/09/2021
@arieth :game_die:
traps: 1d20 (19) + 1
Total: 20
arieth — 04/09/2021
oh, i might know if there is traps
descides riding the current is to fun and forgets what her goal is
— 04/09/2021
@arieth :game_die:
sneak: 1d20 (14) + 1
Total: 15
@arieth :game_die:
traps!: 1d20 (16) + 1
Total: 17
— 04/09/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Searchy search: 1d20 (12) + 1
Total: 13
— 04/09/2021
@arieth :game_die:
I REGRET NOTHING: 1d100 (47)
Total: 47
arieth — 04/09/2021
i buy some provisions since mine got lost in the river
2 weeks
— 04/09/2021
@arieth :game_die:
sneaky sneak: 1d20 (14) + 1
Total: 15
@arieth :game_die:
here trappy trappy: 1d20 (7) + 1
Total: 8
(edward) :game_die:
fall damage: 1d6 (4)
Total: 4
@arieth :game_die:
please please please: 1d20 (20) + 1
Total: 21
@arieth :game_die:
camping is like home: 1d20 (16) + 3
Total: 19
arieth — 04/09/2021
nice camp
— 04/09/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d8 (4) + 1
Total: 5
— 04/09/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Sneaky sneakerton: 1d20 (4) + 1
Total: 5
wisdom (edward) — 04/09/2021
— 04/09/2021
@arieth :game_die:
is there traps: 1d20 (15) + 1
Total: 16
@arieth :game_die:
does the door have a trap: 1d20 (9) + 1
Total: 10arieth — 04/09/2021
sure... all clear... i am absolutley confident in my check
arieth — 04/09/2021
@arieth :game_die:
please be lower than a 12: 1d20 (19) + 8
Total: 27
— 04/09/2021
@wisdom (edward) :game_die:
Darts: 2d4 (2, 2)
Total: 4
arieth — 04/09/2021
damn, i just healed that
— 04/09/2021
@arieth :game_die:
please not a 12: 1d20 (13) + 4
Total: 17
— 04/09/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d4 (1) + 2
Total: 3
— 04/09/2021
@wisdom (edward) :game_die:
inititiative: 1d20 (7) + 2
Total: 9
— 04/09/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Gonna get you: 1d20 (11) + 1
Total: 12
arieth — 04/09/2021
yayy I go first
Eldritch Blast
evocation cantrip. (Warlock)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
A beam of crackling energy streaks toward a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage.
The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam.
Spell | BR 237
— 04/09/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (4) + 5
Total: 9
arieth — 04/09/2021
... miss
— 04/09/2021
@arieth :game_die:
AGAIN: 1d12 (12)
Total: 12
Quarterstaff +1
— 04/09/2021
@arieth :game_die:
Result: 1d20 (19) + 3
Total: 22
@arieth :game_die:
boop: 1d6 (5) + 1
Total: 6
(need to insert TOAST card)
Go back outside
@arieth :game_die:
I REGRET NOTHING: 1d100 (38)
Total: 38
Fuck... that does not sound good
arieth — Yesterday at 12:24 PM
Thats a little disorienting. Can you look over that, is it my or someone else name?
wisdom (edward) — Yesterday at 12:29 PM
Good question... I got confused too... let me check.
Darek Brewmont is the boy that was kidnapped. Weathercote is the name of the woods that you are in. It seems to mean that the boy has died already in the woods.
Or is it an omen? and time is running out?
The boy is either dead or in serious trouble...
arieth — Yesterday at 1:37 PM
it just says "Your name is gone" so that is what made me confused okay
okay, i believe following the path leads me back to one?
— Yesterday at 10:28 PM
@arieth :game_die:
Sneak: 1d20 (7) + 1
Total: 8
@arieth :game_die:
traps?: 1d20 (10) + 1
Total: 11
No traps...
Go to tile 8
— Yesterday at 11:11 PM
@arieth :game_die:
sneak: 1d20 (8) + 1
Total: 9
wisdom (edward) — Yesterday at 11:12 PM
Not again...
arieth — Yesterday at 11:12 PM
and lets go ahead and look at the cemetray
i'm not built for sneak, no matter how hard i try... I just think its funny that I try
— Yesterday at 11:14 PM
@arieth :game_die:
SNEAK: 1d20 (20) + 1
Total: 21
wisdom (edward) — Yesterday at 11:14 PM
— Yesterday at 11:14 PM
@arieth :game_die:
Traps: 1d20 (19) + 1
Total: 20
arieth — Yesterday at 11:14 PM
.... I guess I dont trust the cemetary
arieth — Yesterday at 11:18 PM
Tip toe from the garden
By the garden of a willow tree
And tip toe through the tulips with me
arieth — Yesterday at 11:24 PM
I know i suck at finding them, but i am smart enought to at least check
— Yesterday at 11:24 PM
@arieth :game_die:
is that traped?: 1d20 (4) + 1
Total: 5
arieth — Yesterday at 11:24 PM
NOPE, i am sure its not traped :smile:
Okay, i am sure if its trapped its above my skill and i dont care, i'm curious
— Yesterday at 11:32 PM
@arieth :game_die:
sneak: 1d20 (1)
Total: 1
wisdom (edward) — Yesterday at 11:32 PM
arieth — Yesterday at 11:32 PM
— Yesterday at 11:33 PM
@arieth :game_die:
Sneak: 1d20 (19) + 1
Total: 20
wisdom (edward) — Yesterday at 11:33 PM
arieth — Yesterday at 11:33 PM
okay.. :smile: halfings DO NOT roll ones
— Yesterday at 11:33 PM
@arieth :game_die:
traps: 1d20 (19) + 1
Total: 20
I dont see traps
arieth — Yesterday at 11:37 PM
okay... moral choice here huh?
— Yesterday at 11:37 PM
@arieth :game_die:
1 open 2 ignore: 1d2 (1)
Total: 1
arieth — Yesterday at 11:37 PM
this is SUCH a stupid idea... so in char
wisdom (edward) — Yesterday at 11:38 PM
You try to lift one of the coffin lids, but they
are nailed securely in place.
:diamonds: There is little left to do but proceed to the
exit on the far side of the room. Go to
— Yesterday at 11:38 PM
XP earned @wisdom (edward), you just advanced to level 17!
wisdom (edward) — Yesterday at 11:38 PM
You proceed into the passageway and make
your way towards the bend.
:diamonds: Move your token to Sub-map 4 and
follow the directions there
arieth — Yesterday at 11:38 PM
i'm fine with that
— Yesterday at 11:41 PM
@arieth :game_die:
sneak: 1d20 (2) + 1
Total: 3
arieth — Yesterday at 11:41 PM
— Yesterday at 11:42 PM
@arieth :game_die:
Traps: 1d20 (11) + 1
Total: 12
Keeping a careful watch, you proceed
forward to the bend.
@arieth :game_die:
Oh, this is going to be GREAT: 1d20 (6) + 1
Total: 7
— Yesterday at 11:48 PM
@wisdom (edward) :game_die:
blade damage: 1d6 (5) + 1
Total: 6
arieth — Yesterday at 11:49 PM
FYI i'm now at 15
arieth — Yesterday at 11:55 PM
Man, i hope i'm in time and that is not the ghost
wisdom (edward) — Yesterday at 11:55 PM
With that... you wait till we meet again...
You have done a great work to make it this far... You have the Sword of the Goddess, branches, leaves ....
You have a +1 bow and arrows...
arieth — Yesterday at 11:56 PM
I also have a +1 quater staf
wisdom (edward) — Yesterday at 11:56 PM
You have the knowledge of what it takes to kill the Death Knight...
arieth — Yesterday at 11:56 PM
and the stake
wisdom (edward) — Yesterday at 11:57 PM
What awaits you?
arieth — Yesterday at 11:58 PM
... I also, and this is because i'm a nature warlock, have a seed that will let me cast apply "healing word" So if the boy is alive but hurt, I can keep him from death...
Just one seed though
If the Death knight is ahead I feel very comfortable going into battle.
wisdom (edward) — Yesterday at 11:59 PM
As it says above, your mind is surprisingly clear...
arieth — Yesterday at 11:59 PM
Isn't there someone else I"m here for, the boy, the death knight...
Good chance my Char knows, but I"M CRAP at remembering this kind of stuff
wisdom (edward) — Today at 12:00 AM
The Blood Knight that gave you the sword... requested something from you.
Demanded something from you.
arieth — Today at 12:01 AM
again, FairFax knows... but i'm gonna have to scroll up in chat
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