Arieth Ninja’s Extra Life campaign way to much information
``I want to point out that I use masculine pronouns by default due to raising. Honestly, except in Matt and Bradley’s case who are REAL people with preferred pronouns, anybody/thing’s pronouns can be changed, even mine (I don't care what gets used at me, I was born with female parts if that matters to you)
What is Extra life?
Extra Life is a great way to raise funds for kids in the hospital for MANY reasons. There is so many ways to contribute! Like to a player or a group. If you don't have funds but are willing to do stupid things in front of a camera you can join up by yourself or with a group. May I recommend the current number one group?
Why am I here?
Aug 1st Bradly from Extra Life called out to all DM’s and TTRP fans. They have a day that is focused around TTRPGs and it's Nov 6th.
They would like people to create and submit fun one shots before Oct 2nd 11:59 PM MT.
They have a few rules
be clear
which TTRPG you are using (they are going to assume 5e)
notes that the DM needs to know
it needs to be P - PG13
and of course
It needs to be fun!
They would really love it if you could include Extra Life somewhere hidden in the campaign and give a link to where to get the branded assets.
Are really the only ones I liked.
They gave resources!
And then, because they are cool, they linked a D&D template made for Extra Life and FIVE freaking tips to make a good one shot using 5e. It includes a link that is tips from Matt Mercer and a link to D&D olg DMG. I would like to point out that there are a lot of free BASIC concepts for players to use… and the DM can buy digital books and share them with their campaigns for a pretty fair amount (I use this feature) plus all the homebrew stuff that has been added omg…
But I would really like to point out and STRESS that there is so many TTRPGs out there
A list of a few TTRPGS you could use with my idea
Dungeons and Dragons - what almost everybody thinks of when you hear TTRPG.
Pathfinder is another everybody knows about
This could be the best fit for Extra Life and my idea.
BitD could be a really fun way to run this
Now I’ve only played this system once, but as my friend RedWrym’s 4 year old DM has proven, everything's better with undead pirates!
I really love this system and think it could work out
This is the next system I’m suppose to play, I think having super powers could fit my idea pretty darn well.
Now there are SO many TTRPGs out there I honestly don't know very many… The few I listed are ones that I have played, or have at least built a PC because we are going to play soon. (“[My D&D campaign] is going to end soon, I swear, mid Jul at latest wait a min” - my DM has been insisting since early June)
I found a really cool article over on the Game Informer website written by Matt back in the summer of 2016 who listed a lot of kid friendly TTRPGs that you should totally go check out. I will have a link to both articles in a citation at the bottom once I figure out how to do that with google docs.
Okay, how about we get to the point?
Arieth Ninja’s game concept!
The party is approached (I think in dreams is best) by a tired and weary Death. His reapers are overworked and too busy to handle the problem, he needs your help.
[Cancer and/or other illness[es] that keep kids in the hospital] have him in a fight to end and their minions are killing way too many kids. He needs them stopped!
I'd really like it if there was multiple ways to approach
1- dungeon, fighting different illnesses and then end in epic battle helping Death fight the big bad
2- Puzzles, investigations, finding a cure (could it be finding the magic bright blue bottle with wings or making it?)
Or of course, a combo of the two. And if you can think of other ways to win, by all means!
I would love if we could get key items and NPCs from the extra life website
And if they win, I want Death to smile at the party and thank them, and then tell them that he doesn't want to see them until they have lived a full life, before waving a hand and sending them back.
Might need more for the ending, I don't know. This is just a basic concept to build from.
**I really like the idea that Death is not a bad guy, this is written for kids who practically live in a hospital and know that death is coming. Death is just part of life, it happens to everybody . The real bad guy is the illnesses and injuries that put the kids in the hospital and are trying to make them meet Death sooner than they should have to.
In my campaign Death doesn’t like seeing kids die, he knows everything needs to, but not the young. The cause of this campaign is the cancer or illness is currently battling him to the end of creation while sending out more minions to make kids die than Death has reapers and desperately needs your help to get him out of this lock. In my head for every minion or death by minion makes the bad guy stronger, regaining health as much as Death can deal damage. Death being immortal, can’t die, but can't stop this bad guy. It could be you kill enough minions that gives Death an edge to slowly wear down Caner to be under control again.
Maybe it can take place the day before a holiday or major child friendly event so kids can be saved? For the sake of simplicity in explanation. It’s Christmas Eve and Death really doesn’t want millions of kids to die without seeing what Santa brought them. This event takes place on Nov 6th, so maybe you are saving Thanksgiving?
If it's a gift event, when they wake up or get back their room is full of gifts, everything they wanted - tailor the end credits to the players.
I would love it if I’m mentioned at some point(as an NPC) or you give me a copy. I spent a month trying to think up this idea… I want to see what happened to it.
Let's give credit where it's due:
First off the callout:
Second the list of TTRPGs for kids:
Miller, Matt. “Top Of The Table – Introducing Kids To RPGs.” Top Of The Table – Introducing Kids To RPGs, Game Informer, 22 July 2016, Accessed 3 Sep 2021.
The three extra life photos I found using the media kit that I gave the link to.
6 of the 7 TTRPG logos are from a google search. I saved and stole. I mostly didn’t want to get link rot because honestly this concept should stand the test of time. They are the official logos as far as I can tell.
The Monsters and Other Childish Things logo. I took a screenshot of the PDF.
These are things that have been asked
Can I change the BBEG to a reaper who wants [creation] to name him the new DEATH
Yes, but it wont fit what I’m asking for in this instance. Right now its for Extra Life
Hmm, I have teleological concerns, and regardless I expect my version would just make everyone uncomfortable. Unless everyone’s playing necromancers.
I mean... I'm specifically asking for a PG version..
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