Kat's story
A long stupid introduction that doesn’t have that much to do with the story
For starters, my name is Kathryn; I’m 19 and just graduated from high school. No, I wasn’t valedictorian, hell I wasn’t even in the top half of my class. I wasn’t in any kind of after school program because I just didn’t care. I got a job when I was 14 with Mitchell’s uncle the carpenter, helping him during the summer, and at a mechanic shop when I turned 16. What can I say, dirty jobs are fun.
My parents moved into a quiet little suburb when I was 5. They inherited it from their parents who died in a car crash. Someone asked me last year if that was the reason why I started working on cars, I honestly don’t know. I just like taking a piece of junk and making it purr and fly.
But my boring little suburb is well boring. Very few new families have moved in since my grandparent’s time. The houses have been kept up; you wouldn’t guess that this area is as old as it is.
That being said, I have 5 best friends. The 6 of us have been inseparable since I moved in. As soon as I got my job we started spending every other Friday night at the same restaurant. Most of our free time is spent together as well. Our bosses have gotten use to having to kick the friends out.
Their names are Taylor, Samuel, Mitchell, Mark and Adaem. I’m closet to Adaem, I guess it’s because I live next door to him and whenever one of our families leave, me or him take care of the house. I’ve had a key to his house since I was like 10.
The guys didn’t even seem to notice I was a girl until I stopped taping my boobs the day we started high school. They didn’t say anything, but when we wrestled, the positions they tried to pin me in where more, how would one put it, sexual. Also, whoever I was walking or sitting by got into a habit of putting his arm around me.
Only Adaem and Samuel seem to manage in keeping a girlfriend. I want to say that it probably my fault. The girls see me and it just doesn’t work. It doesn’t help that the guys absolutely refuse to stop putting their arm around me, or to give up our Friday nights. There seems to be an unspoken rule of it can be only the 6 of us. It nearly broke up Adaem up Rachelle last week when our Friday was on their two year anniversary. I would have been fine with her sitting with us, but well they somehow came to a compromise. Rachelle has a very big mouth, and I found out what it was.
I bet that by now you are thinking the “man” rule about certain things just are talked about with chicks, or I’ve slept with at least one of them. I’ll answer the second comment first, only Samuel has had sex. That Friday it was my turn to pay, and he paid instead. I sat by him and he, in a very detailed story, described the experience in his old truck bed on a rainy night. Using me for a prop whenever he thought I wouldn’t hurt him for it. I asked his girl about their weekend, she flashed me a smile and a thumbs up. We don’t leave anything out when we talk. On a previous Friday night right after Mark turn 17 the topic was masturbation. I told the guys they have it easy, I didn’t understand how I was supposed to do it. They gave me a website; I had just gotten my first credit card in the mail. Our next dinner, they were making me red. First time I have ever held anything back from them. They know I have at least one toy, that’s all they know.
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