Strength 9C 10C

 Biting her lip she handed over her final. Only 8 pieces of code between her and a passing grade.  Could the last one really be as simple as taking out the equal sign? She packed her stuff, she just had to trust herself that she did good. All the extra credit turned in, a small grade to pass.

Upon getting home she checked her grade. Not posted yet, notes from anxious classmates blow up her phone about the test, but she goes to see if her other teachers have posted the final grades.  They have, a, b, d, happily taking any passing grade she waits.

Hours passed and she checks again, blinking she hits refresh and rereads the final grade, an A. By her math that shouldn't be possible, then she sees how the grades were weighed and smiles. An A. 

Maybe her summer classes weren't hopeless.


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