something new

It's been a minute since I've written anything original aside from walls and walls of text worth of rants.


88k words in 179 days, and that isn't even everything I write, that's just a good chunk of it.

Tap link to add me to your Tree Town or add my friend code W1AQBZHCJS.

This stupid app has been a life saver.  Not sponsored or anything, I just think it is amazing.  My little Xion is so cute.  All the interactions. That I can visit my friends and give them support.  That they can do the same for me.  Worth it.

But I made a baby blanket, completed a few other projects.  Today I made a website.  Tomorrow I hope to make a fourm to drop on it.

And then I'm gonna work on prepping for con incase Thad let's me run a game or two.  

My personal life is such a mess right now.  

Soon, soon the drama should stop being such a nightmare, another month

Maybe two.

Deep breath

I want to start writing again.

I want to create, not just follow patterns...



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