My Birthday and NorWesCon plans

 gods i am HORRIBLE at posting on here.

I was doing it almost everyday and then made a plan to and just got sick and stopped :(.

Lets get to happier things huh?

First off, my birthday 🎂 is on the 15 and I want to stream :D 

I plan to be raising money for myself (or you can order something) and for extra-life

I want to play party games like and possibly some party games that are on the switch. I'll try to get a full list of choices  later.

or if i'm not feeling well I'll just have a low maintenance game playing in the background and craft while talking to you guys. Something like Oxygen Not Included or you know, warcrimes.

I also might be doing fast sketches for people who donate, and if i raise enough funds and people are active, hopefully have a raffle or something that I have physically made or will make (US only please unless you pay shipping)

Next is the NorWesCon the first weekend of April. I will be keeping my google 🗓 up to date as i get information if you want to meet up and hang out.  The one thing I know i will be attending right now is the simple pattern contest on Sat, I have finished the base of my costume and just working on details to make it special.

I also want to mention that every sunday from 9-11pm pst me and Blue stream, its been going on for a few weeks now.

Then starting next week I will be playing Epic's free games from 12pm-4pm pst for charity.

I'll try to start posting here again. 


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